Joey Yung Wiki

Joey Yung is the first compilation album of Joey Yung released in LPCD45 form. The songs were remastered to be higher quality.

Track listing

  1. 我的驕傲 My Pride
  2. 明日恩典 Tomorrow's Grace
  3. 零時零分 Dawn
  4. 華麗邂逅 Beautiful Encounter
  5. 想得太遠 Thinking Too Far
  6. 愛一個上一課 One Love, One Lesson
  7. 習慣失戀 Get used to Breakup
  8. 心淡 Disheartened
  9. 啜泣 Sob
  10. 痛愛 Pain Love
  11. 16號愛人 16th Lover
  12. 逃避你 Run away from You
  13. 誰來愛我 Who Will Love Me
  14. 抱抱 Hug Hug
  15. Timidity
  16. 何苦 How Come
  17. 心甘命抵 Willingly
  18. 爭氣 Making Effort

