Joey Yung Wiki

Alvin Leong (梁榮駿) is a famous Hong Kong music producer. He cooperated with many famous artists including Joey Yung.

Work with Joey[]

Song Album Composer Lyricist
可歌可泣 Can Sing Can Cry A Time For Us C.Y. Kong Albert Leung
搜神記 In Search of the Deities A Time For Us Christopher Chak Albert Leung
心賊難防 Thief in the Heart is Inevitable C.Y. Kong
赤地之戀 Love on the Red Land Very Busy Christopher Chak Francis Lee
雙冠軍 Double Champion Joey Ten 廖卓瑩 Wyman Wong
不好意思我愛你 Excuse Me, I Love You Moment Christopher Chak Albert Leung
追風箏的風箏 The Kite that Chase Kites Davy Chan / C.Y. Kong